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Hello,I am using the following function to combine the account # with the location ID, but somehow the function is creating a space on some of the records, why?This is the formula I am using, which is working for most of the records, however there are some that contain a space in between. =Concat([BAccount.AcctCD],[Location.LocationCD]) Please see attached screenshot. Space between these records
Hi All, We currently have issues adding the Bubble Nbr. from the Bill of Material screen to the Production Ticket. Not quite sure why it wouldn’t be showing in Production Order Details but that is a different story.It is basically blank, so I recreated a Generic Inquiry that mirrors the Subreport and played around with it.It does not seem to like the Link between AMProdMatl and AMBomMatl when it is an Inner Join. (Yet, it has to be an Inner Join to show the Bubble Nbr.) The inquiry is attached.Any ideas on how to link the two together that the Subreport and the production Ticket is displaying this correctly?My simple Test Inquiry is attached.
Hi,Does Acumatica BigCommerce connector supports Channel Manager?Currently, our customer has two channels in BigCommerce Its my understanding that this feature gives BigCommerce administratros to have 2 storefronts with the same store. Does the Connector has the possibility to separate which products will be exported and used in specific frontstore?Or the products should be configurated in a new BigCommerce store to use a new store in Acumatica connector? Thanks!
I’m working on the following process graph:When debugging, the prepay.Record registers as null, despite the prepay having a single complete record of the invPrepayList resultset. Visual studio does not flag the application of the result.record.fields to the new rec fields as an error. It simply runs as though the record is null. Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
Is there a way to convert a Stock Item to a Non-Stock Item?
I am trying to Close the debit adjustment against credit adjustment. Not sure where to change the curr. rate
. Invoice To Cancel Invoice Action to show this error How To slove this error ?public delegate void PersistDelegate(); [PXOverride] public void Persist(Action del) { if (Base.Document.Cache.GetStatus((object)Base.Document.Current) == PXEntryStatus.Inserted) { if (Base.Document.Current != null) { ARTran objARTran = Base.Transactions.Select().FirstTableItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (objARTran != null) { SOOrder objSOOrder = SOOrder.PK.Find(Base, objARTran.SOOrderType, objARTran.SOOrderNbr); if (objSOOrder != null) { SOOrderExt soOrderExt = objSOOrder.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>(); ARInvoiceExt invoiceExt = Base.Document.Current.GetExtension<ARInvoiceExt>(); invoiceExt.UsrCommentQuote = soOrderExt.U
Hi Everyone, I'm currently working on an implementation for a manufacturing business and am wondering what best practices for tracking “downtime’’ in production orders during the manufacturing process. For example:a production worker is injured during the production run and the manufacturing line halts for 30 minutes. or a piece of machinery has techincal issues and is serviced on the fly for 10/15 minuteswhat would be the best way to track this downtime vs the actual labor captured.Open to any ideas, recommendations.Much appreciated
Screen : REQUEST (RQ.30.10)Is require to increment confidentiality and only allow to see ours transactions
Has anyone successfully recreated the Inventory Transaction by Account as a GI? We want to get a Generic Inquiry where the Inventory Balance of the Balance sheet equals to the Inquiry Balance. The main issue in here is that we wanted to depict the transactions in the Generic Inquiry and at last, the balance should be equal to the inventory balance of the Balance sheet. I’ve been trying to recreate Inventory Transaction by Account as a GI, but so far have remained unsuccessful.
Hi,Our company has several pivot tables we Export to Excel and then print out for record and approval. Is there any way of adding the company’s logo to the Excel Export for ISO compliance purposes? Alternatively, if there is any way of fitting a pivot table to a Report which we can add the logo through Report Designer, that would be great as well.
When a sub-component production order is created from a parent production order, there is a relationship created on the detail line of the parent to the supply production order:Is there any way to create this relationship other than generating the prodction order from the parent? For example, if a subcomponent production order is created independently from a parent, can the relationship be added to a parent production order?
Hello together, I have a general question. Why is it possible to insert the same item as material in the Production BOM Details as the item to be produced and not in the Basic BOM? When I insert as material in the basic BOM the same item as in the header, an error appears:In the Production Order Details the base BOM is taken as a basis and there it is possible to insert the same item as in the head. The MRP then calculates the demand based on the production orders and sales orders. In the Acumatica help it says this.But I don't understand why it is possible in the production details but not in the basic BOM.Could someone explain this to me?
We found an item that has a phantom quantity stuck in-transit. - Not sure how this has not been caught prior, but this is a very slow mover item. I have a 2 step transfer that was done from 1 inventory to another. full quantity was received, but a balance still shows on the inventory allocation as an incoming amount still to receive. Not sure how to clear this. This one item has 2 transactions 59190 and 59972 that are stuck like this, No adjustments have been done on this item. Lot # matches everywhere also. you can see on the transfer, it shows zero in-transit qty available.