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Good Morning.

We added a Report to the Bulk processing Screen by defining a new Action.

The Report and action is defined in the SO301000 Screen.

Unfortunately we couldn't figure out how to filter in the SO502000 screen that only non-printed Reports get shown after we selected our custom action.


I'd appreciate a detailed answer on how to solve this, as we are clueless.



@jwestermann17 I have the exact same problem. Were you able to figure anything out?

@abrunner78 i am pretty sure we ended up ignoring this problem. But as far as i know (correct me if i am wrong) only Sales Orders that have the Action “Enabled” show up in the Mass Action Screen.

You could try creating a Checkbox that gets filled whenever someone runs the action to run the report and set a condition to disable and hide the field if that checkbox is filled. If it is a report where users need to be able to open it more than once, you could create a second action for the same report that has the same conditions as the other one without being in the mass transaction screen - but reversed. So if the checkbox is filled it now shows and is active. 

Might not be the best solution, but worth a try. 
