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On the generic inquiry Production Order Maintenance, I’ve added column which is a multi-select field (Production Line(s)). “Production Line(s)” is a custom field on InventoryItem. On InventoryItem, I am storing the IDs of the production lines as a comma-separated string (eg. 1,4,5).


When I try to filter the Production Order Maintenance GI, the filter misbehaves.The results will sometimes show blank pages (although I know there are rows that match the filter) and the record count will show something like “1 to 0 of 1151”


Has anyone tried something like this? Is there a way to get this to work?



could you provide some additional details like screenshot of an InventoryItem, GI parameter and condition and behavior you see/expect for better assistance.

Additional information would help. Are you filtering with Equals or Contains?

@davidrichards12  Yes, please share the GI here (Export as XML and share it here)

So, I changed it a little since the first post yesterday. I am no longer storing the IDs in the database, but the strings themselves. So, “Production Lines(s)” would be something like “Line 2,Line 3,Line 6”.


Here is a screenshot of that custom field in Stock Items:

Stock Items with custom field


In the GI Production Order Maintenance, this field is being shown as “Requires Line” - see following screenshot:

Production Order Maintenance GI


When I filter with something like Contains “Line 6”, I would expect it to find the rows with “Requires Line” equal “Line 6” and “Line 3,Line 2,Line 6”, but it only finds the “Line 6” rows.

Filtered with “Contains ‘Line 6’”

@Naveen Boga , I don’t see how to export the GI as XML. I see how to export as a Report, but not XML.


I figured it out -- here’s the XML.

Hi @davidrichards12  Thanks for sharing the GI here.

@davidrichards12  I can able to see the same behavior. To achieve the required results,  we need to make a minor modification like below. It is working as expected.

Instead of UsrProductionLines, you can just convert into String using CStr function like below

CStr( InventoryItem.UsrProductionLines )


Screenshot for reference.



Naveen, we actually got to the same conclusion. Thank you!

I am running into a similar issue. I created a multi-select from a maintenance form and added it to the Contact screen. With this approach, could you add is as a filter on the GI and have it filter appropriately? 

Yes, you can. However, if you compare against more than one selected value, you probably won't want to use Equals because it will match all selected values. Using several lines with Contains with one selected value joined by Or works well.
