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Hello everyone,


Out of the blue, we experienced a major slowdown in Acumatica today. For the record we are not on SaaS AWS hosting. Every screen takes about 15-30 seconds to load. We've checked:


1. System monitor - every query is taking 30+ seconds to run

2. Automation schedule - some processes completed at 5am

3. Business event history - nothing running right now

4. Tried Chrome, Edge, and Firefox

5. We rebooted both Acumatica and SQL 

6. The SQL server CPU and memory are at 1% and 15% usage respectively 

7. We are on 2021R1 with several customization packages. 



Has anyone else that hosts directly had this issue? We are running on 2021R2 but we are expected to upgrade to 2023R1 in a few weeks.


@podonnell11 I suggest check if you have the Request Profiler(ScreenId=SM205070) enabled and you should catch which part of the request culprit for the long response time. Is it SQL or application.

