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We use non-stock items to create bundle items such as a lamp and shade. We are tracking inventory of these items by running a report to generate quantities and importing those quantities into an attribute. I would like to use this attribute to update the inventory level of the non-stock item in BigCommerce and I have mapped it to do so in the entity settings.

However the numbers do not update in BigCommerce and remain as zero. I was wondering if anyone has any insight on why this might be the case or if they have another solution they are using that works. I could just map the attribute into a custom field, but I would rather that these stock and non-stock items are handled in the same way to prevent confusion.


Mapping of attribute to inventory level on Entity screen


I can see in event logging that Acumatica is sending the request to update the inventory level to the number stored in that attribute, but it remains 0 in BigCommerce.

Stock quantity remains 0 in BigCommerce


Curious if you tried using a Kit as the bundle instead of a non-stock item.

@pauldubuque13 Yes, we did. I believe we decided against using them due to this issue: Non-Stock Kits with manually lotted components | Community (

And I think we did not want to create them as stock kits as we want to store the components separately in our warehouse although I’m not 100% sure on this. Maybe @courtneyb could clarify

@tararosenthal You are able to sync Attributes to a lot of fields in BigCommerce, however Product Availability is not one of the fields where this is possible. It would require a customization on the BC side to switch the value which is complicated. 

I have had another client that did not want to export any product availability from Acumatica to BigCommerce. The way we were able to work around this was to create a GI in Acumatica with the Inventory ID and the product availability they wanted (you could display the Stock Item and this Attribute you created). They would export this excel file every morning from Acumatica and manually import it into BigCommerce. 

@freddydelrio39 Thank you for clarifying that that mapping does not work. I think we are going to set up some processes so that everything is tracked as an attribute and mapped as a custom field due to the above issue and this bug: BigCommerce - Product Availability & Inventory Settings Function Gap to Allow Preorders? | Community (
