Our client has received the following email from Shopify.. The customer is preparing to upgrade to 22R2 build 202 right now. Any impacts of these that we need to be aware of or execute.
Action Required - Migrate your custom app to the Fulfillment Orders API by March 31, 2023
Your custom app is leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API. Please note that the Fulfillment API will stop working as intended on March 31st, 2023 in favor of our new Fulfillment Order API. Read our migration guide and take action as soon as possible to avoid breaking changes.
The following app(s) you are using currently use Fulfillments API and should be moved to Fulfillment Orders before March 31st, 2023:
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I believe you just need to ensure that on the API you set up for Acumatica in Shopify that the “Merchant Managed Fulfilment” is set to provide “Write” access instead of “No Access”
@Sai Chettiar , it’s really easy to start using Acumatica ERP app for Shopify. Follow this tutorial, and you should be good.
After you connect using the official app, you can go ahead and deactivate the customer / private app.
Thanks @Yuri Karpenko and @sethkuhn25
Will check and share updates if anything else comes up during this.
@Sai Chettiar Shopify updates API versions every 3 months, and they also retire old versions 12 months after the release.
In Acumatica we have to keep up, and we are updating the actual API version in use every 6 months for all the supported versions. You can follow this article to see the actual version -
To ensure connector stability, you should plan updating of your Acumatica version to the actual supported version. Since the API calls are produced by the code and the JSON structure may differ from version to version, there is nothing else you can do expect updating the version.
In the same time staying on the unsupported version may lead to the connector malfunctioning, after the used API version is retired by Shopify.
Thanks @smarenich for sharing the details. Will review and work with the client instance to update the version.
If any issues, will reach out for support.
@smarenich Are there instructions on any changes we need to make to the Shopify “Acumatica App” once the update is complete?
@janett47 nope, here it is not required to do anything. Just upgrade to the latest version.