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Merge Sales Category export as Product tags in Shopify

  • 9 August 2023
  • 5 replies

If I set this inventory setting thusly under Shopify Stores in Acumatica:


Acumatica will sync the Sales Category to Shopify as a product tag, which is great.

However, if you add any additional tags in Shopify, the Acumatica connector will REPLACE them all with the Sales Category tag every time a sync occurs. Which is not so great.

Anyone know if it is possible to make the Sales Category tag MERGE with any already existing tags in Shopify instead of replacing them all?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
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@mikeho , that would be difficult to do (even in the code). Shopify’s tags are stored in an array of strings. In other words, a tag doesn’t have an ID. Therefore, there is no way you can relate a tag (sales category) in Acumatica with a tag in Shopify. Think of this flow as similar to the product description. If you set up a sync for product description, and then change something in Shopify product description directly in Shopify, Acumatica will override that data. Of course, you can get really creative with tags, and write an iterator for the sales category sync, that would get the list of categories from Acumatica, get a list of tags from Shopify, and then compare those lists, and if there is something in tags that doesn’t exist in categories, won’t touch it. However, this raises a question from another standpoint: what if you wanted to delete some categories from this product? If you did the approach above, you would be forced to do that manually.

Userlevel 6
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@Yuri Karpenko - all fair points. And I could see this making more sense if there was was a way to manage ALL tags in Acumatica. However, I don’t see that as possible currently, which means that if we use the “Export as Product Tags” functionality in Acumatica, we would be limiting our ability to use product tags in Shopify for anything else. And there are all kinds of additional functionality in Shopify that are driven by product tags (including but not limited to Smart Collections).

Do you see any way around this challenge, other than just not exporting sales categories as tags?

Userlevel 7
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@mikeho , I’m on the same page with you. Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is a ready solution for what you’re trying to achieve.

Userlevel 6
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@Yuri Karpenko - fair enough. I’m very curious if anyone actually uses the Export as Product Tags feature then; for us the cons vastly outweigh the pros.

Userlevel 7
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@mikeho , I haven’t seen it used. In my opinion, it’s a good option for the initial data load into Shopify, but then you can turn it off, and manage tags / categories in Shopify directly.
