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Want to share with you the way to handle Made-To-Order Products with BigCommerce Connector.

Made-To-Order products are special types of products where each item may have a specific unique attributes like text, or painting, or style. I will show you an example of gift spoons with special graving.


Step 1: We have we need to create a new Stock-Item that will represent the spoon in Acumatica.

For testing purpose you can receive a couple of spoons on your warehouse using the Inventory Receipts form (IN301000).


Step 2: Prepare and Export Stock Items to your BigCommerce instance. If you manage images/availability in Acumatica, you should also Prepare and Export Availability and Images entities.


Step 3: Since Acumatica-BigCommerce Connector cannot manage Product Modifiers, we should go and configure Made-To-Order product in BigCommerce directly. There we want to create Product Modifier Options with allowed values and combinations. For my spoon, I want to allow 2 fields: Message Font and Message Text. 


Step 4: We should prepare Acumatica to store these values too. As Acumatica does not allow to have User Defined Fields or Attributes at the Sales Order Line level, we have to create custom fields - One for Message and one for Font:

You can use any date type you like, but please note that if you use Drop Down values, you should make sure that Labels in Acumatica and BigCommerce are the same, otherwise the code below will not work. My example works based on the assumption that labels are the same in both places.

Also don’t forget that you should add the fields in the UI of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. When you add it, you can test the fields manually to make sure that they work properly:


Step 5: As I have mentioned before, Acumatica-BigCommerce does not handle the Product Modifiers, so we have to write the code that will handle if for us. We should go to the Customization Project Browser and create a new GraphExtension to modify synchronization:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.Common;
using PX.Common;
using PX.Api.ContractBased.Models;
using PX.Commerce.BigCommerce.API.REST;
using PX.Commerce.Core;
using PX.Commerce.Core.API;
using PX.Commerce.Objects;
using PX.Commerce.BigCommerce;

namespace Spoons
public class BCSalesOrderProcessorExt : PXGraphExtension<BCSalesOrderProcessor>
public delegate void SaveBucketImportDelegate(BCSalesOrderBucket bucket, IMappedEntity existing, String operation);

public virtual void SaveBucketImport(BCSalesOrderBucket bucket, IMappedEntity existing, String operation, SaveBucketImportDelegate baseMethod)
MappedOrder order = bucket.Order; //Object of the sales order

//Extern is the API Object from BigCommerce
for (int i = 0; i < (order.Extern.OrderProducts?.Count ?? 0); i++)
OrdersProductData data = order.Extern.OrderProductsdi];
//Local is the API Object from Acumatica
SalesOrderDetail detail = order.Local.Details.Where(x => x.Delete != true).Skip(i).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
if(detail != null)
List<CustomField> fields = new List<CustomField>();
GetCustomField(fields, data, "Message", "Transactions", "UsrMessageText"); //UsrMessageText is the name of the custom field
GetCustomField(fields, data, "Font", "Transactions", "UsrMessageFont"); //UsrMessageFontis the name of the custom field

if (fields.Count > 0) detail.Custom = fields; //Here we place custom fields to Acumatica API object. Rest well be handled automatically.

baseMethod(bucket, existing, operation); // calling the base met

public virtual void GetCustomField(List<CustomField> result, OrdersProductData data, String optionName, String objectName, String fieldName)
if (data?.ProductOptions != null)
foreach (var option in data.ProductOptions) //BigCommerce Object already contains options, we just need to go thought them
if (option.DisplayName == optionName && option.DisplayValue != null)
CustomStringField field = new CustomStringField()
ViewName = objectName, //Dataview name for the sales order details
FieldName = fieldName, //Custom field name
Value = new StringValue() { Value = option.DisplayValue } // Custom field value

Please note the comments in the code. Especially important to look at “UsrMessageText” and “UsrMessageFont” - these are the custom fields that we have created on the step 4. If you have more fields, or if you have different names, you have to change these lines.

The code should be placed or modified here:


Step 6: Now we can place an order with modifier in BigCommerce. See that I can choose the options and these options do not affect the price of the product:

This is how order looks from the BigCommerce admin panel:


Step 7: Now we can Prepare & Process the Order. If everything is done correctly, you will see the custom values in your Sales Order. Here is the order synchronized by my setup:


Here on the bottom of this article, you can find the customization project package that I have used for this article. Feel free to use it!

Hope it helps! 

@Dioris Aguilar Actually this article a bit old. We have added the support for product modifies starting from 2021r2. Please refer to the release notes to understand how to use it.

@Dioris Aguilar yes, we removed this class, as it was not in use.

but here is the code, of this class, so you can embed it in your code

using PX.Commerce.Core.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace PX.Commerce.BigCommerce.API.REST
class ProductModifierValueRestDataProvider : RestDataProviderV3, ISubChildRestDataProvider<ProductModifierValueData>
protected override string GetListUrl { get; } = "v3/catalog/products/{product_id}/modifiers/{option_id}/values";
protected override string GetSingleUrl { get; } = "v3/catalog/products/{product_id}/modifiers/{option_id}/values/{value_id}";
protected override string GetCountUrl { get; } = "v3/catalog/products/{product_id}/modifiers/{option_id}/values";

private const string product_id = "product_id";
private const string option_id = "option_id";
private const string value_id = "value_id";

public ProductModifierValueRestDataProvider(IBigCommerceRestClient restClient) : base()
_restClient = restClient;

#region ISubChildRestDataProvider
public virtual int Count(string productId, string subId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, subId);

return GetCount<ProductModifierValueData, ProductsModifierValueList>(segments).Count;

public virtual List<ProductModifierValueData> Get(string productId, string optionId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, optionId);

return Get<ProductModifierValueData, ProductsModifierValueList>(null, segments).Data;

public virtual ProductModifierValueData GetByID(string productId, string optionId, string valueId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, optionId);
segments.Add(value_id, valueId);

return GetByID<ProductModifierValueData, ProductsModifierValue>(segments).Data;

public virtual ProductModifierValueData Create(ProductModifierValueData productsModifierValueData, string productId, string optionId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, optionId);
var productsModifierValue = new ProductsModifierValue { Data = productsModifierValueData };

return Create<ProductModifierValueData, ProductsModifierValue>(productsModifierValue, segments).Data;

public virtual ProductModifierValueData Update(ProductModifierValueData productsModifierValueData, string productId, string optionId, string valueId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, optionId);
segments.Add(value_id, valueId);
var productsModifierValue = new ProductsModifierValue { Data = productsModifierValueData };
return Update<ProductModifierValueData, ProductsModifierValue>(productsModifierValue, segments).Data;

public virtual bool Delete(string productId, string optionId, string valueId)
var segments = new UrlSegments();
segments.Add(product_id, productId);
segments.Add(option_id, optionId);
segments.Add(value_id, valueId);

return Delete(segments);


@smarenich it seems my reference to PX.Commerce.Objects was missing and adding it back in has cleared things up. Thanks again!

@fdelrio37 it can work the same way for Shopify, but Shopify has no modifiers, so you need to use different way there.

@Evan Templin BCSalesOrderProcessor is still a PXGraph, inherited thought several base classes.

So customization should work the same way.

Here is the related article were you can see how to add fill sales orders line’s custom fields: 


@smarenich I am aware you mentioned Product Modifiers are not handled by the Acumatica-BigCommerce connector, however I see some code in PX.Commerce.BigCommerce dll (2021R2) with ProductsModifierData class and the ProductModifierValueRestDataProvider class that seems to handle that, am I wrong and these classes are used for something else?

Do you think it is possible to create a custom code to create Product Modifiers in BigCommerce from Acumatica? The same step 3 you did manually here but programmatically.

Would this work the same way using Shopify?

@smarenich We developed a custom sync process to bigCommerce in 21R2 using  ProductsModifierRestDataProvider class and it is working as expected, however customer is upgrading to 22R2 and we longer see that class available. Was the name changed or the Products Modifiers is no longer supported by Acumatica?

@smarenich I noticed that the BCSalesOrderProcessor is no longer a PXGraph and you can’t simply just extend it as you would a normal Graph. Is the above method still the best way but we need to tackle extending it differently? Or is there now a better place to extend from to provide the same functionality that is outlined above?

@smarenich do I need to implement an additional reference when extending? I’ve tried a couple different versions but I continue to get this error:

There is no implicit reference conversion from 'PX.Commerce.BigCommerce.BCSalesOrderProcessor' to 'PX.Data.PXGraph'.

(Thanks for the quick reply!)
