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Just need to clarify - does the ecommerce connector support syncing a stock item attribute to a product variant metafield in Shopify? Or does it only support syncing to a product metafield? 

@mikeho You can sync metafields to variants as well. 


Hi @KarthikGajendran - I’m looking in our 23R1 upgrade sandbox and I don’t see that option:

Am I missing something?

I’m trying to do the same thing. I see the Product Variant > Metafields but I’m unclear on how to map to the Namespace.Key in the External (Target) Field.

@mikeho @lawsont  May you are in an old version. 

Please refer to this article. 


@KarthikGajendran - my screenshot was from our 23R1 upgrade sandbox, which as far as I know is the most recent version. Are there any settings that need to be configured to display the variant metafield option?

@KarthikGajendran - can you advise which version your screenshot is from? And/or if there is anything we need to do to gain access to this feature? Our 23R1 sandbox (Build 23.102.0042) does not have a Product -> Product Variants->Metafields option in the External Object field:


Hi @KarthikGajendran - I’m looking in our 23R1 upgrade sandbox and I don’t see that option:

Am I missing something?

Confirmed, I also DO NOT see the variant>Metafield in 23R1


Thanks for the confirmation, @K2a.

Does anyone know how to access this functionality in 23R1? We were planning on using this quite extensively, and if we can’t now that is going to be extremely problematic.

Hi @mikeho were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

I was told by ACumatica that you cannot export Metafields to Shopify. 

Here is the quote: 

Unfortunately in this version (22R1) we support only export from Template Item attributes, but not Matrix Item Attributes.  We implemented export of Matrix Items Attributes in 23r2  


@Chris Hackett I have not heard anything official yet from Acumatica. I do have a case open.


@K2a if true, that’s disappointing. It’s been demonstrated in the documentation for a few versions now.

@mikeho  @K2a 

Sorry for the delay. We had this in 21R2 and 22R2 and then we removed it because of some bugs in the Shopify API for metafields. We were waiting for Shopify to fix it. 

Now we are pushing Shopify to fix it and they promised that they will. 

We are now planning to fix it in 23R2 but if you also need it in 23R1, then please let me know. 


@mikeho  @K2a 

Sorry for the delay. We had this in 21R2 and 22R2 and then we removed it because of some bugs in the Shopify API for metafields. We were waiting for Shopify to fix it. 

Now we are pushing Shopify to fix it and they promised that they will. 

We are now planning to fix it in 23R2 but if you also need it in 23R1, then please let me know. 


Thanks Karthik, it’s not a burning need for us we can manage, based on ACU support’s previous comments to us, we’ve mentally staged it until next summer. 

Hi @KarthikGajendran - Yes, we just completed our upgrade to 23R1 and would be using this feature heavily if it were available. If there is any way to also fix this for 23R1 it would be greatly appreciated.

@mikeho  @K2a 

Sorry for the delay. We had this in 21R2 and 22R2 and then we removed it because of some bugs in the Shopify API for metafields. We were waiting for Shopify to fix it. 

Now we are pushing Shopify to fix it and they promised that they will. 

We are now planning to fix it in 23R2 but if you also need it in 23R1, then please let me know. 


Hi @KarthikGajendran - can we have the fix for 23R1?

We would like also to ask, since 23R2 will be launched in the next month, is the fix included already? Thank you

@KarthikGajendran - Has this been addressed?  I currently have a client on 23R1 and this is leading to an issue with template items that connect to stock items that need to update the metafields.

@StevenRatner - I have been told that this issue has been scheduled to be fixed in 2023R113, which is currently planned to be released the last week of November.

@mikeho - Thank you for the update.  This is great to know, looking forward to testing it out.

@StevenRatner  @mikeho Yes, it would be released in 23R113 version. Here is a screenshot.



@KarthikGajendran - I have tried to configure a template item which has stock items to the Product→ Product Variants → Metafields. The sync doesn’t provide an error and shows processed in ACU, but doesn’t update the Shopify-Product-Variant-Metafields in Shopify.  Is there still something wrong in the connector.



@KarthikGajendran - we have upgraded to 23R113 and I see the ability to map to Product -> Product Variants -> Metafields, however it appears you can only sync from the Template Item to the Product Variants -> Metafield.

We are specifically trying to sync data from the matrix item to the Product -> Product Variants -> Metafields, including the matrix item attributes. It does not appear that is currently possible, is it? I only see Template Items -> Matrix under the ERP Object, but that only has a handful of field options available.

If not possible, do we know if that is on the road map for the future? Something along the lines of ERP Object = Template Items -> Matrix -> Attributes would be ideal.

@StevenRatner  @mikeho I have asked the team to check this again. Seems like the existing erp fields are exporting fine as metafields but  not the attributes.  We suspect something has changed in the Shopify APIs. We are looking into right now. We will get back to you with more info. Please give us some time. 

CC @BorisRudi56 

@KarthikGajendran - Thanks for the update.  Please keep me updated on when this is planned to be fixed.  The sooner the better 😉

Thank you, @KarthikGajendran. I have tested and can get the Template Items -> Attributes to sync to the Product -> Product Variants -> Metafields, but this is a one to many sync of data. We have different attribute values in each matrix item and need those to sync to the corresponding Product Variants -> Metafields in Shopify.

@mikeho , could you please share an example of mapping that you used for the one-to-many sync of data ? We will check if there is any workaround possible for different attribute values. 
