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Regarding Create Globle variable in Report Designer

  • 11 October 2022
  • 5 replies

Is it possible to add global variable in Acumatica Design report

Required to add global variable to use in other section of report 


Using one Main report and from that use sub report and access sub report value in main report in header part but facing one issue that sub report value access only where subreport control is define so in my report set subreport in Header and then i want to use that value which is return from subreport in group header so somehow currently i am not able to access value out of the section even used assign functionality also but that is also not working 


Thank you for help in advance….


Hi @RSHAH1! You should be able to use the subreport data if you have made it into a variable.

Using the format of $SubreportName_Variable you can grab this variable outside of where the subreport populates.

Have you already tried this?

Hello @BenjaminCrisman 

Thank you for replay 

i tried with that way my issue is like below 
tried to access subreport variable value in header part of main report then its shows the result but as you can see in red box same variable i am trying to access in group section but its not show the result 

so hope according to below screenshot you understand my issue 


@RSHAH1 You’re right, I couldn’t get the variable to display outside the section the subreport was printing in.

What I did find though was the the variable will populate even if the subreport is not visible, so a very small subreport can be added, marked not visible, and then the variable will work:

Can that work for your situation?


You are right but in this case what happen
for each and every row subreport will run in background so it might be causing the slowness issue if there is a lot of data exists…

so it will not work in this situation…

Hi @RSHAH1 - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
