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Hi Everyone,

We have a nightly automation that recalculates the customer balance via the “Recalculate Customer Balance” screen. We recently created a data warehouse to pull our invoice and other data together to join with our other financial systems to create a consolidated view. We are pulling data from the ARInvoice table via the REST API and loading into the database. That all works great except for the last modified date. The biggest issue is that the “Recalculate Customer Balance” process that runs nightly is putting the date and time of that automation in the last modified fields in our ARInvoice table. Therefore I can’t pull that table and only capture new activity. 


Any ideas on how to get the “Recalculate Customer Balance” nightly job to stop changing the last modified date or another creative way to get last modified for ARInvoices?


We’re running Acumatica Cloud ERP 2021 R2 Build 21.223.0012.



For anyone that comes across this post and interested in what I did to solve this. I left joined the ARAdjust2 table and to the ARInovice table. This allowed me to get payments. I grouped on RefNbr and got the newest created on date from the ARAdjust2 table. From there, I wrote an if statement to see if there was a payment. If no payment then i left the created on date from the invoice. 


=iif(fARAdjust2.createdDateTime] = null, ,ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime],]ARAdjust2.createdDateTime] )

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @thayden!
