Hi @Kakie
Have you looked at using blanket sales orders? It does provide the ability to define different ship to addresses for each line item. It’s a little clunky because they attempted to provide 2 different functionalities (ship to address by line item PLUS shipping line items at different times in the future).
David Eichner, CPA
This would make a good functionality - decoupling shipment address from SO address. Am not sure why they are linked in the first place.
I dont know why that decision was made either. It wouldn’t have happened if I was the Product Manager. LOL
I have a follow up question:
We have customers who have multiple Ship To locations. We use Avalara to calculate/collect sales tax. Some of these locations are infrequent and we don’t have nexus.
Have any of you solved the issue of collecting sales tax in different States on 1 sales order? Or on 1 invoice? Our Acumatica support tells us that this is impossible but I can’t imagine that we are the only company to run into this problem.
Have any of you solved this?
@dmaynes @DavidEichner We need this functionality as well.
one sales order multiple ship locations with different states.
@sams This is one area of Acumatica that falls short of many ERP applications. Even Dynamics GP which is over 30 years old has line item ship to addresses.
@DavidEichner Can we request this functionality ?
@sams Yes, under Product - Product Ideas, you just need to enter a new Product Idea and then ask others to vote for it.