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I wanted to get sum of all values in CASplit.CuryAmt field to display the Total Amount.

these are the two tables that I wanted to get the line detail values.

  1. CASplit
  2. CAAdj

And this is the new join I put to get the line detail values.



And this is the condition to get the Total Amount

=Sum ( mCASplit.CuryTranAmt] )


 But when I run the report, it duplicates all the value details in CASplit.CuryTranAmt field and added to the Total Amount.

Does anyone know what causes this issue and how to fix it?


Thank you.

Hi @RManathungage94! The issue is due in part to the join created, you are missing the AdjTranType link, but that alone won’t stop the duplicate results coming in unfortuantely.

Due to the other joins in the report, adding this link is creating a second set of results to come in and will need to be evaluated more closely.

I added a GI using only CAAdj joined to CASplit and there was no issue with duplicating results when this was used alone, but in addition to the other joins in the report, it causes duplicates.

I would recommend to add all the relations from the report into a GI and then go through them to see where the issue might be.

Looks like the relation from CATran to CAAdj works as expected and then adding CAAdj to CASplit also still doesn’t duplicate the results, so the issue is with one of the other joins, but I couldn’t pinpoint which one.

Hi @BenjaminCrisman! We used a sub report to get those line details and now it’s working fine. but we couldn’t find the root cause for that issue. thanks for the comment. 
