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How to display Child PO Qty for items tied to a Blanket Purchase Order

  • 26 September 2023
  • 5 replies

We have a generic inquiry that lists blanket purchase orders information. Unlike Blanket SOs, Blanket POs do not have a Child Orders tab- making it tricky to track child POs tied to them. 


SOOrder table has QtyOnOrders field, however POOrder table does not. How can I calculate Qty on Child POs and have it display on the GI?

The GI is not line specific it is only header specific. When I added POLine table, it replicates all the information which is not required.

The below snapshot is one from Blanket SO Gi, we would like to display something similar for the POs. How can we achieve this?

@lauraj46 - any ideas from you would be helpful as well! Thank you in advance! 

Hi @lauraj46, thank you for your help. That worked - I just had to modify the relations and grouping to get accurate values. thank you again!

Hi @lauraj46, thank you for your suggestion. I will test this out and get back to you. Thank you!!

Hi @kanupindi ,

See attached revised query.  Each result fields should either be grouped or have an aggregate function specified.  If you don’t want to SUM, you can choose MAX which will be the same for all records.

Take a look and let me know if you have other questions.




Hi @lauraj46,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have attached the xml file below, thank you! 

Hi @kanupindi ,

You will want to group on the parent fields and then use the Aggregate column to total the qty for the child orders.  Please attach the XML for your GI so far and I would be glad to take a look.

