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On the Customer or Business Account screen, we use the “Account Email” field under “Additional Account Info”.

I’m trying to extract this data either to a GI or Export Scenario.

From what I’ve found so far, it appears to be impossible to pull this field in a GI, as the view name “DefContact” is stored in some background file. I can only pull a contact email.

Any suggestions on how to access this data in a list?

It can be added via a link to the Contact data class. DefContact View Name references how to link it to the Customer data class.

Customer.DefContactID = Contact.ContactID, then the Account Email field is Contact.EMail.


Highlighted Link at the Bottom


Example of the Join Structure


You’ll need to add the PX.Objects.CR.Contact table and join like kdavis45 mentioned

Customer.DefContactID = Contact.ContactID

 Then the Account Email field is Contact.EMail


@AdamD As a follow up to what @kdavis45 said, depending on how to connect to Contact table will depend on what kind of data is retrieved, but all the contact details are stored in Contact.

If you link Customer.BillContactID to contact then you can get the billing contact details, similarly to the ShipContactID, you’ll get the shipping contact details.

This works similarly with the Address table also.

Use the GI builder tool to see the relations and make quick joins, but also you can check the DAC Schema browser (Inspect Element on a field and click the hyperlink of the table).

There is also the Merged DAC Relations screen (SM402000) which will show you similar information, how to join from the inputted table to other tables and showing the key linking fields

Thank you all!
