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Somebody please help,

Above here is a caption of my report details for SO. These are details of only 1 SO. In A and B, you could see that I have fields with redundant data- the same gross amt, total/item, invoice nbr, and unit price. But the [net sales] in A shows that they’re not the same inventory item, which is also shown in C, they are two totally different item. But why is my report using only the first inventory item details (except net sales)? Anyone who has an idea, please?

If this would be needed, please kindly see my report file to view tables and relationships. I appreciate the big help!



First thing that I would suggest is to add OrderType to these relations in the report:

  • ARTran - SOOrder
  • SOOrder - SOOrderShipment

Also, this relationship seems weird to me:

Because you’re using a field from the same table (SOOrder).


I hope this helps.
