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Hi Everyone

I recently uploaded a few stock items with incorrect default prices. Now, I would like to review the last audit history before the new prices were updated. Can we obtain the details of the audit history prior to the price update? In the attached screenshot, the old price is $289 and I have updated it to $319. Similarly, using a GI, I would like to extract data on the old price.

Please suggest.

Hi @manikantad18 

You could look at the Audit History for this info.

Below is a screenshot from my test data showing a price change I made on an item.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but it might prove useful.


Hi @sbond84 

Thank you for the quick response.

I can find the change price but looking in a GI format.

SKU -Last price-New price

Review Audit History:

- Navigate to the Stock Items (IN202500) screen in the Inventory module.

- Open the stock item for which you want to review the audit history (e.g., the item with the old price of $289).

- Click on the History tab to access the audit history of the stock item.

- Look for the specific audit trail entries related to the price changes and identify the last audit entry before the price was updated to $319. This entry should reflect the old price of $289.

Generic Inquiry: 
- Navigate to the Generic Inquiries (SM.20.10.10).

- Click on the Add New Generic Inquiry button to create a new GI for extracting data on old prices.

Add Data Fields: In the Generic Inquiry designer, add the necessary data fields related to stock items and prices. This may include fields such as Item ID, Description, Price, Last Modified Date, etc.

Apply Filters: - Apply filters to the GI to retrieve data based on the audit history entries before the price update. You can filter by Last Modified Date to capture the data before the price change.

Configure Results Grid: - Configure the results grid in the GI to display the extracted data fields, including the old prices of the stock items. -Customize the grid layout and column display to present the data effectively.

Run the Generic Inquiry: - Run the Generic Inquiry to extract the details of the old prices of the stock items prior to the update. Review the results to ensure that the data aligns with the audit history entries before the price change.

Hi @quinnobryan 

Currently, The gi is attached, Could you please set the filters as you described?

@manikantad18 Would adding:

<GIWhere> <row Field="lastModifiedDateTime" Condition="Less" Value="2022-01-01" /> </GIWhere>

Within <GITable> work? Obviously setting the historical date to whatever date you need. I am unable to test at the moment. 

Hi @quinnobryan still waiting the desired results.

Please help when you have time.

Also waiting for others suggestions as well

@quinnobryan - I’m curious if you used generative AI to write your answer, as I find it quite generic. For instance, there’s no mention of what tables you would use in the GI you are creating, which is the biggest question in my mind

@manikantad18 - I’m almost certain you’d need to incorporate the AuditHistory table, but there seems to be a lack of information in that table, and I can’t find anything else that makes much sense to join it to

I’m now curious about this as well.

@darylbowman That would be correct! I’ve spoken with Chris Hackett and will be adding a disclaimer on any posts that I comment utilizing gen AI. 

@quinnobryan - I appreciate that. There are definitely questions here that AI can answer, and definitely some it cannot (yet).

Hi @manikantad18 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett 

Please find the Acumatica case.

I reviewed the details of the case and I reviewed the auditing,I think unless there is a customization which populates another field to track prior cost(s) then it will be out of scope for support.

