I have created a Generic Inquiry that will show the Date and Time that a Sales Order was printed.
I am using the SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime field and the following code to extract the time.
=IIF(HOUR((SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime])<=12,PADLEFT(CSTR(HOUR((SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime])),2,'0')+':'+PADLEFT(CSTR(MINUTE((SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime])),2,'0')+ ' AM',PADLEFT(CSTR(HOUR((SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime])-12),2,'0')+':'+PADLEFT(CSTR(MINUTE((SOOrderShipment.CreatedDateTime])),2,'0')+ ' PM')
This works as it should other than it displays the Time as UTC time. I need it to display the time for our region. We are in the US Eastern time zone (-5 hours).
Thank you for any assistance.