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Hi All, @Naveen B ,

is it possible to find a Shipment and update the lines and then confirm it in one Import Scenario?

I have the attached import scenario but not successful.




Hi @lauracastagna At a first glance of the Import scenario, please use @@LineNumber instead of the @@InventoryID. This will cover a scenario having the same item on multiple lines.



Hi @lauracastagna  After long time 🙂 Hope you are doing well.

I just worked on this report and please find the my observations.

  1. You have selected the wrong Target Object i.e. Line Details instead of Details
  2. <LineNumber>  =-1 is nothing but we instructing to add a new line → This should be unchecked
  3. In Shipments screen → Details tab, Expiration Date is NOT editable (This is default Acumatica behavior), whatever we can do manually at screen, those actions we can do from Import scenario. First we need to make the field editable using workflows then we can able to update the Expiry Date at line. 
    Here is the example to make the field editable using workflows -
  4.  I have re-write the above import scenario and verified it is working as expected. 

Please find the import scenario below for your reference.



Thanks @Naveen B,

the Shipment isn’t confirmed so I am able to update it.  that works.

Now I would like to add the “confirm shipment” ,”update in” and “create and release invoice”.  This part is not working when I tick the last four.  I get the following error…


Hi @lauracastagna 

Please send the updated scenario you are using with those actions?

Hope the first document reflected on the import, you are able to manually confirm shipment after entering the Lot/serial number. Just want to know if the Lot number entered for the first document is correct.


Hi @lauracastagna  

Confirm Shipment and Update Invoice should work in the import Scenario and Prepare Invoice should not work because it will take you to the Invoices screens.

(Import Scenario won't work when multiple screens involved)

Can you please only check the Confirm Shipment and Undate IN action rows and verify.

Hi @Naveen B ,

I tried unticking the Prepare Invoice but I am getting the same error.  It updates the first line of each Shipment but then errors (same error I screen shot above).



Hi @lauracastagna  Could you please share the updated import scenario, I will take look from my end and let you know.

Can you please also confirm, Are you able to perform this activity (Confirm Shipment and Update IN actions) manually at screen level after providing the Lot Serial Number?


Hi @Naveen B ,


I have manually updated the second line and then confirmed shipment and updated IN for both of the Shipments and all good.

Import attached.

Hi @lauracastagna 

Please try this and let me know if it works at your end.

that didn’t work vkumar.

@Naveen B ,


not sure if you needed the file so is attached.

Hi @lauracastagna  I have verified below import scenario and it is working as expected.

SAVE action is NOT required invoke explicitly.



Hi @lauracastagna , 

I could not access the excel attached to the scenario. 
Are there more than one lines per shipment document?
In that case, Confirm shipment wont work for second line of the document ( also Update IN).

I suggest creating separate scenario to just trigger the action Confirm Shipment and Update IN, but just supplying the Shipment number. 


Hi @Naveen B ,


It didn’t work.  I have two lines per Shipment.  How do I state in the Import Scenario to update “all” lines before Confirming Shipment please.




Hi @lauracastagna 

Since you have two lines per shipment, its giving the error. The scenario provided by @Naveen B does work for single line on shipment. 

When you run the scenario, for each line it executes the ‘action’ and for second line, the Confirm shipment will be disabled.

Here is what I suggest : 

  • Import the allocation ( Lot/serial ) first and save the shipment in Open status in one Import scenario
  • Create another scenario with only shipment number and action to Confirm, Update IN. But you need to have a provider with just one line per shipment. 


Hi @laura Yes, once line item is updated and confirm the shipment, second line will not update by Confirm Shipment button will be disabled.

There 2 ways we can do.

  1. As suggested above, in this case we need to come up with 2 import scenarios.
  2. Create a import scenario for Import the allocation ( Lot/serial ) first and save the shipment in Open status and then configure default Acumatica processing screen (Process Shipments screen), it will taken care of Confirm Shipment and Update IN and Prepare Invoice ().
  3. For Release invoice, you can configure “AR Release Documents” (AR501000).

This way you can come up with only one import scenario for open Shipment and remaining actions taken care by Acumatica schedulers.


Hope this helps!




yes I know I can do what you have suggested but was hoping there was a way of doing it all in the one scenario.




Understood @lauracastagna  There are few limitations with Import Scenarios, this is one of them :(

@Naveen Boga Hi Naveen. I used your import above to add serial numbers to an existing shipment line. However, I have multiple serials to add per line, and the import is only adding one serial number. Any thoughts?
