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Hey Everyone,


I’m struggling to create an import scenario to disqualify leads in mass. I’ve tried a few different things using the Action: Disqualify option but nothing seems to work. But it’s my first time creating one like this too so may have misunderstood how the Dialog Box work on Import Scenario.

Here is a screenshot of my most recent attempt:



I guess the issue here is that when we try to disqualify there’s a dropdown where we need to select the reason and I don’t really know how I’m supposed to pass the value to that dropdown:




The error I’m getting is that the Reason cannot be empty.


Anyone could help me out here?


Answers to the dialog typically need to be placed physically before invoking the action. Try moving the action down below where you set the OK value and see if that helps.

Hey @Django, thanks for that. This was indeed one of the issues but I’m still unable to figure out how to pass the reason value to the dropdown.


After moving the Action down the list I’m still getting an error saying that the Reason cannot be empty. And if my reason field is above the action I get an error saying that the only value available for the reason is “Create”, which is indeed the only value available if the Status is open.



this was my last attempt

Hello @wxbrian 


Try moving Reason line up, between Lead ID and <Dialog Answer> lines:


Hey @riglesias, thanks for your comment.


If I move it between Lead ID and Dialog Answer I get the following error:

The 'Not Interested' list value is not allowed for the Reason field. The allowed values are: Created.



That’s probably because the Not interested is only available after the lead is disqualified, or during the Dialog Box :(



Hi @wxbrian 

I ran a quick test in my demo and it’s possible the Reason field available under the scenario mapping is the one under Summary (top section of the screen) and not the Reason field from the pop up window to specify the reason to disqualify.
Unfortunately I did not find any target object for this window. I tried mapping the internal field lFilterPreview.Reason] but still no luck :(



Hi @riglesias,


Yeah, I really exhausted my options as well but no luck. I will post the solution here if a find one, or hopefully someone that went through this before can chime in :)


Thanks for now

Just wanted to post the solution here for our future warriors:

All I had to do was include Transition Parameters → Reason in between the dialog answer and the Action.


Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @wxbrian!
