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I am using the financial report writer to build a project P&L for my client. I am having trouble getting the project name to appear in the title since there does not seem to be a parameter available.

In my column set, I have added:


The project code is an auto-numbered ID and without the name makes it difficult to identify the reports.

Thank you in advance.

Hello @frankfiorentino81 ,

I agree, there is no way to include the Project description in a financial report header at this time.  Please consider adding the idea on this forum:

You may also Consider Velixo reporting (Excell add-on).  Search this forum for more information and links to Velixo. 

Acuamtica ARM reports meet the needs of about 90% of our clients, and for the rest we recommend Velixo.


@frankfiorentino81 I looked at an existing report in the sales demo where i knew the project ID parameter existed and this is what it says:


can you use this on the parameters screen within report designer and see if it works? 

@iqraharrison48 Thanks for the suggestion but it does not work in the financial report writer. I tried to add it to my column set where the report title is configured, and it errored out.

No solution in ARM reports. I came up with a manual project naming workaround for the client.

@frankfiorentino81 can you share the error you received when trying to add the parameter? 




Hi @frankfiorentino81 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
