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Selected an invoice for payment.  Created an ACH Batch.  Decided not to pay that item.

Deleted the item from the Batch.  Processed remaining items in the batch and uploaded to the Bank.

The invoice is now stuck in Pending Payment status and I’d like to remove that status so the item returns to Open Status.  Cannot find a way to do that.  

Suggestions anyone?


Hi @mlupro 

Are there payments attached to the Invoice, even if they are not paid? Under the Applications tab on the Invoice, are you seeing any?

The item in question is a credit adjustment and it has a (check) payment applied under the Applications tab.


Hi Mike,

If I am understanding the information above, you have three documents entered for the same vendor:

  1. An AP Bill - Mentioned as  “Invoice” above, with Pending Payment status
  2. A Credit Adjustment (status unknown)
  3. A Payment connected to the Credit Adjustment. (status unknown)

Is this correct?  Please list for my understanding: the document types, numbers, amounts and document statuses.

Thank you.




The item in question is a credit adjustment and it has a (check) payment applied under the Applications tab.


Have you tried to remove the credit adjustment and check then reapply? What is the customer’s default payment method? 

The vendor record has 1 Credit Adjustment and 2 Debit Adjustments - all for the same amount.  The two debit adjustments are not part of this issue.  

The credit adjustment was flagged to be paid and actually went through the ACH selection/payment process all the way into the Batch.  The Credit Adjustment was then deleted from the ACH Batch and is now in a Pending Payment status.  

We want to remove the Pending Payment status and get the Credit Adjustment back into an OPEN status in the AP records.


If you see a Payment on the Applications tab of the Credit Adjustment, the same Payment should be visible in Payables → Checks & Payments screen.  I expect the Payment is not Released.  Delete it. Deleting the Payment should change the Credit Adjustment to Open status.

If you can’t delete the Payment, please report back with its status.  Thank you!



Thank you Laura.  Perfect answer I was looking for.  Just didn’t know where to look.

Kind regards,

