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How to handle process requirement of capturing credit card prior to email and release of invoice

  • 22 March 2022
  • 4 replies

Hello! A client just upgraded to 21 R1 from 20 R1, and it seems there is a slight process change that I’m looking for insight on how best to handle in the new version.

Previously the client would Prepare Invoice and then on the Process Invoices and Memos screen, they would click Create and Capture, then Email Invoice, then Release. In this new version,  the invoice does not show on the create and capture process list because it’s pending email first and not in balanced status. They like to create and capture prior to emailing because their form marks the invoice as paid. Also, they do not want to release prior to emailing the invoice and have the setting specified to not allow release until email.

So, they are now stuck with how best to work through the steps in this new version. Anyone have any thoughts on how to handle?

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @hayleehicks18 

We have the same issues reported by some of our customers. I have provided the workaround to the customer to release the invoice before payment capture like in the old version, but this workaround will help when the customer needed an invoice on an urgent basis.

Please review the below-attached link for the workaround.

I hope this helps you. 

Thank you

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @hayleehicks18  I opened a case with Acumatica on the business process requirement for customers but Acumatica suggested using the workaround I proposed here.

Please review the below-attached link for the workaround. and let me know if it works for you or not


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@hayleehicks18 did you find a solution for this issue? 

@manikantad18 your link no longer works

Userlevel 5
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@hayleehicks18 @manikantad18 

We are using Ebiz integration for processing CC payments.

You can capturing CC on the SO Invoice prior to releasing or emailing. See applications tabs - Capture - this brings up the Capture screen. Not sure how it works with other CC ISVs.
