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Hi, I’ve been trying to set up a dunning fee for dunning letters. 

The following is the dunning setup:


Then I prepare the letter and prepare to release it:


But when I release it the fee reference number is not generated and there is not dunning fee invoice either:


Am I making a mistake somewhere causing the dunning fee to not be created?

Side note: Are dunning fees always fixed price? Are there other options for calculating the fee, say based on a percentage of the amount overdue?

Any help and insight will be deeply appreciated, thanks.

Please vote for new feature, Dunning by % here:

I think your steps match what is required to create dunning fee invoices: the Acumatica Help states that Dunning Fee Invoices are created at the same time as the Dunning Letter is released.

Is there any message in the Trace that might indicate why no invoice is created?

Does the user who is preparing dunning letters have complete rights to create/release AR Invoices?


Where are you looking for the $10 level one dunning invoice?  I expect it will appear in AR Module, Invoices & memos screen. Depending on your settings, the status of the new Dunning Fee invoice will be Open or Balances, or possibly Hold.

Hi Laura, for now I just changed to a version that works. I moved from 22.191.0242 to 22.100.0178. I’ll check up on the restrictions because both version use stock settings of the salesdemo dataset which I haven’t altered. I’ll update any findings in case they may be of use. 

Thanks for all the help.

Hi Laura, thanks so much for the reply, I am currently using administrator role which has adequate access rights and can create/release invoices no problem. I also checked the trace after releasing the dunning letter from AR522000 but there seems to be not information on the process, or am I looking at the wrong place? The dunning letter gets released just fine and I can print it.



Any insight would be much appreciated, thank you very much.

Could there be a Restriction Group, restricting the Item or Item Class to a Branch or to certain users?

It’s a stretch, but I can’t think of anything else. 

Hi Laura, I’ve checked everywhere from the Invoices & Memos to the database even. The database entry of the dunning letter has null for the feeRefNbr and feeDocType as shown below:



I rechecked the administrator role and I think its access rights should be enough to generate a Fee Invoice. Is there a list of special rights needed to generate a dunning fee? If there’s a chance I might have missed some rights that would be a relief. 
