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We’ve recently implemented Acumatica and part of the process entailed entering all of our 2022 data. Everything was well entered in Acumatica including the opening inventory of Jan 2022, opening Trial Balance etc. All transactions for receipt of inventory to date (we import inventory from overseas and sell them locally -we do not manufacture locally) have been well documented and received during 2022 and 2023.


We are facing challenges with the invoices we entered and released in the books. The invoices for sales for 2022 and i2023 were not entered and released chronologically. Given that the Company follows the FIFO inventory (First In First Out) valuation method, we are faced with a problem that cost of goods sold month wise are not correct (As many later month invoices were entered in the system first)  and thus the current inventory valuation is not correct.


The Invoices (total more than 400) have all been entered and approved (released). We do not want to make any changes to the invoices as issuing credits and reprocessing will be a very lengthy process and may likely generate invoicing errors. The cost of goods sold in the GL is not correct for 2022 and 2023  as invoices were not entered date wise in Acumatica


What can we do to trigger the system to correct the cost of goods sold and inventory value considering we are on FIFO inventory valuation? 


Hello @edwinp ,

If I understand what you are saying, historical sales were entered out of order for FIFO - costed inventory. Therefore, COGS transactions are incorrect and current IN Valuation report is incorrect.

If you are not yet live, it may be possible to restore a snapshot and re-migrate your Sales Order/Invoice history in Date order.

Otherwise, there is the tedious option of returning items to stock and re-issuing sales orders/invoices in proper chronological order.  It may be possible to import the return & re-entry of historical documents via import scenarios. (Check with your VAR.)

Acumatica has a Recalculate Inventory screen, and my understanding is the Recalculate Inventory screen is for re-figuring Available Quantities after modifications to the Availability Calculation Rules (not for booking cost adjustments). I don’t think Recalculate Inventory will help your case.



Hi @Laura02 ,


Yes, that’s correct. Invoices were not entered/processed chronologically so it is throwing the COGS off. We are currently live. Our consultant who assisted with the integration is doing something similar to what you suggested. They’re spinning up a new instance of ACM, returning stock, exporting all of the invoice data to create credit memos then applying those memos to the old invoices. Once that’s done they'll import all of the invoices chronologically. They expect that it’ll take about two weeks to do so. I was just wondering id there was a faster alternative.



@Laura02, actually Klear Systems is who’s helping us with this haha.

Hi @edwinp ,

I look forward to meeting you!  😉 

