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Hello everyone!

Is there anyway i can change the order of the tabs in the sales order screen?

We are wanting to move the “ADDRESSES” tab to be in between the “SHIPPING” tab and “DISCOUNTS” tab. 


When i look in the customization screen, it appears that the order in the screen editor is correct but it does not display in ACM that way?

Any ideas?

Thanks! :)

Great 🙂 Thanks for the update 

@Naveen B yes, thank you so much!

@stacy16   Is this resolved?

Thank you!

Hi @stacy,  

As Nayan indicated just drag and drop the tab wherever it is required and along with that give the highest level to your customization package and verify once.

@stacy16, check to see if there is another customization that is changing the order.


@Naveen B - i see what you are looking at but the “Selected Index” field is only visible when i am on the actual “tab” tab.. when i am on the other tabs (Details, Taxes, Etc...) i dont have selectedindex as a field to enter..



@nmansinha - it already shows in the place that i want it to be in the screen editor so there is no need for me to move it there.. it just doesn’t show up on the website in the same order :/

One can just drag and drop the tabs in the Layout window, Save and Publish.

As for SelectedIndex property, its purpose is to set given tab as the default tab.

Hi @stacy16 

Yes, you can do this by giving the Selected Index property value, just like below, and check once. 

SelectedIndex will start zero “0”.

  • Details  → 0
  • Estimates → 1
  • Taxes → 2
  • Commissions → 3
  • Financial → 4
  • Shipping → 5
  • Discounts → 7 and etc



Hope this helps!!

