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I was working on with the "Get" method in Acumatica API, I successfully pull the records from the api however there is no userID of the creator and modifier.

Webservice Endpoints I tried to find the createdBy and ModifiedBy in the dropdown but there is none.

how to add the UserID of creator and modifier on the web service endpoint so that these fields will be parts of the Get response.

Thanks in Advance


I believe these system fields are not exposed via API for some(many) screens. 

As a workaround though, you could try adding an Unbound field to store these value and pull it in the API:

How to get stored value of custom field instead of displayed value in web service endpoint | Community (


Hopefully it helps

Try referencing it through the custom parameter:

I have been able to access standard fields not in the endpoint this way in the past. Worth a shot.

I can confirm this should work using @Mike Gifford’s suggestion of the custom parameter.  For example to get the Created By and Last Modified By fields for a Vendor record, I’d perform a GET request to: https://{instance url}/entity/Default/20.200.001/Vendor/{vendor_acctID}?$custom=BAccount.CreatedByID, BAccount.LastModifiedByID

and within the body of the response find these fields within the “custom” element:

"custom": {
"BAccount": {
"CreatedByID": {
"type": "CustomStringField",
"value": "admin"
"LastModifiedByID": {
"type": "CustomStringField",
"value": "jturcotte"

