I’m using this link to https://asiablog.acumatica.com/2017/05/sending-notification-template-from.html no send a custom notification, but for some reason is not working, the sender.send() return an empty list. I’m using a custom graph and DAC. The form have the ActivityIndicator equal to true. What I’m doing wrong?
This is my code.
protected static void SendEmail(string message, PXGraph Base, CustomDAC transaction)
Notification notification = PXSelect<Notification,
Where<Notification.name, Equal<Required<Notification.name>>>>
.Select(Base, new object ] { "my template" });
bool sent = false;
string sError = "Failed to send E-mail.";
TemplateNotificationGenerator sender = TemplateNotificationGenerator.Create(transaction, notification.NotificationID.Value);
sender.MailAccountId = (notification.NFrom.HasValue)
? notification.NFrom.Value
: PX.Data.EP.MailAccountManager.DefaultMailAccountID;
sender.RefNoteID = transaction.Noteid;
//sender.Owner = notification.NFrom;
sender.To = notification.NTo;
sender.Body = notification.Body.Replace("((#replace#))", message);
var activitieds = sender.Send();
catch (Exception ex)
sent = false;
sError = ex.Message;