There are two tricks to this.
If you’re going to just display this GI, you’ll need to find another field in a table that has the same decimal formatting that you want and then select that field in the Schema Field column (you might have to use the column selector to expose that column).
If you’re going to use that in an email, let me know, because the Schema Field trick doesn’t work for fields that you’re going to use in an email and I have a longer trick for that.
Technically, it is rounding it. It is simply displaying zeros to a certain number of places.
in "PX.Objects.AR.AR History" there is no field with 2 decimals. So I add SOOrder to my Schema. to be able to use SOOrder.FreightAmt for formatting. I did not use in in Inqery any how. I even not related it to anything. wery smart))))
My Question to Acumatica : May be it better to include to database empty table with many fields in different format? We will use it for that purpose