Howdy! I figured it might be wise for me to introduce myself before diving into my call for help… I’m a home brewed IT/Developer/Operations Manager that’s responsible for integrations between Acumatica and our internal systems that I’ve built over the years. I’m not a “professional” by any regard though I do great deal of practical experience with coding online applications, PHP, AngularJS, Classic ASP VB, MS SQL, etc. side note, I’m really enjoying and admire how Acumatica’s been built and functions.
moving on…
We’re currently in the process of rolling our Acumatica 2020 R2 for our company through a phased approach and will be utilizing multiple tenants for the purposes of development, training, etc, 5 in total including our live/production tenant. The idea is that we will, periodically, schedule a snapshot of our Live tenant and restore it into the other tenants.
The users will be disabled in some tenants and enabled in other while others will have increased security access into one of them, affectionately called Sandbox. At this very moment we’re keeping things simply by managing the user’s ability to login in or not and nothing more.
I’ve built a small solution within our intranet that pulls a list of users from Live via the API that then allows me to manage the login trait of each user within each tenant, effectively creating a template that I can easily manage.
Side note: the data is very limited, nothing sensitive beyond a user’s login name, and is transmitted over an SSL connection so I don’t think there’s much to be concerned about.
Now comes the call for an assist…
I need to trigger the Actions “DisableLogin” and “EnableLogin” but I can’t seem to find them. Do I need to add them to my already extended endpoint under an Actions ou and if so then how?
Thanks so much for your time ;-)
p.s. I can appreciate that there are several ways to approach this, Import Scenarios and such, but I’ve picked this method to assist me in my efforts in conquering the Acumatica Learning Curve.