Is there any possibility to add Nuget packages to Acumatica Customization project?
Hi, everyone
You can create ignore file (with saved errors) and add it to customization package.
This approach will skip errors and publish customization, but I am not sure that site start working, depends from *.dll from nuget package. I had (successful && !successful) situations.
As an example can you please try adding this code snippet to a graph.
using OfficeOpenXml;
ExcelWorksheet sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("MySheet");
This leads me to above error when publishing.
But I just tried and able to install it in my local Acumatica instance through the VS.
Interesting, what Nuget package are you trying to include?
Error is :
CustomizationV1.dll Failed to resolve assembly
There’s some steps involved and this course goes through the process:
No, I am going to use it in a new package. Could you please tell me how can I incorporate those into .dll and add it to my project.?
Yes, you can add them using normal Visual Studio and incorporate them into the dll for your project. Is there a specific package you’re looking at?
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