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When add value it show the readable key but when release it show the number key. Here is my code.

        PXSelector(typeof(Search<BAccount.bAccountID, Where<BAccount.status,
            Equal<MegaCustomize.Generics.sT>, Or<BAccount.vStatus, Equal<MegaCustomize.Generics.sT>>>>), typeof(BAccount.acctCD),
            typeof(BAccount.acctName), typeof(BAccount.classID),
            typeof(BAccount.status), SubstituteKey = typeof(BAccount.acctCD), DescriptionField = typeof(BAccount.acctName))]
        public virtual int? UsrName { get; set; }
    public abstract class usrName : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<usrName> { }

@kevinheng21  PXSelector seems good and I don’t see any issues.

Can you please confirm that have you provided the PXSelector control in the .aspx.

@kevinheng21  PXSelector seems good and I don’t see any issues.

Can you please confirm that have you provided the PXSelector control in the .aspx.


@kevinheng21  PXSelector seems good and I don’t see any issues.

Can you please confirm that have you provided the PXSelector control in the .aspx.


Where can we change it ?

@kevinheng21  For the custom field, have you selected the Selector like below?


@kevinheng21  For the custom field, have you selected the Selector like below?


I change to selector already but it cannot solve

@kevinheng21  Can you share the customization package?

When preview change it show correctly but in real input process didn’t show 


But it’s sometime show like this 


This might an issue with the KEY fields for that GRID or do you have any customization on deleting the records? @kevinheng21 

This might an issue with the KEY fields for that GRID or do you have any customization on deleting the records? @kevinheng21 

No customize in delete record
