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Hi everyone, 

i cannot find any upload mechanism to upload my icon for the workspace….and is there any standard size icon which i must use?

Thank you

@joni50para  I have added multiple icons to the Workspaces and the below article will be very helpful.

Let me know if you have any queries.



Hey @Naveen Boga  Thank you for your fast reply, the thing which i dont understand is …. where should i add my icon ?


Hi @joni50para  Once you install the Acumatica instance, and open the Visual Studio, you can open to seen the below path and place your ICON svg file in this folder.


Are you a technical person? if yes, it would be easy to do this.



Hi @Naveen Boga IS WORKS !!!! Thank you so much !


@joni50para  Great!! Thanks for the upate

I can’t make it work for color images.  I’ve followed the instructions to no avail.  I’m uploading my files as txt. but they are at the right place with svg extensions.
