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How to add an action to a grid without modifying the aspx?




You can add the action using the screen editor and thus avoid touching the .aspx file directly. 

What have you done so far?

Hi @edsonvelez64 

There is not other way but to add a piece of aspx code to the page:

<px:PXGrid  .....>   
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="Grid Action" DependOnGrid="gridThings">
<AutoCallBack Target="ds" Command="GridAction">
<Behavior CommitChanges="True" ></Behavior>

This assumes you have an PXAction defined like:

public PXAction<MYThings> GridAction;
>PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.Thing, Enabled = true)]
>PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
protected virtual IEnumerable gridAction(PXAdapter adapter)
return adapter.Get();

Hope this helps


Ok thanks. What happens if someone need to add a new action to a page in another customization project?  




Hi @edsonvelez64 


Normally Acumatica merge the code when publishing. When 2 or more customizations are touching same objects a warning / error message is thrown. You have to use Level attribute on the customization package to tell Acumatica which package has priority over another.
