I set up a business event to trigger an email to the customer when the shipment status changes to confirmed.
So far so good and working correctly. The next issue is we wanted to have it ignore the business event if the ship via is set to PICKUP or NOTSHIPPED.
I set up a custom field and added a field update action to change this to checked on confirming the shipment. This is then checked in the business event to see if it just got set to true.
Then I added a fieldverifying event to check the value in shipvia to determine whether to check this box. This seems to have been working OK but some confirmed shipments seem to never trigger the email but I’m not sure why not. I’m presuming that sometimes the value of the checkbox is not set by the time the event kicks in to send the email. (Is that a possibility?)
I’m not sure if there is a better way to do this process. There doesn’t seem to be an option to check the field value in the business event unless it just changed so if the shipment had been saved previously and the value didn’t just change when the shipment changed status to confirmed it doesn’t trigger.
What is the correct way to trigger an email for these conditions or should I be using some other method of triggering these emails?
Thanks for any advice,