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I need to get Base currency rate(USD Conversion Rate) in the sales order report.

Below sales order created under EUR currency and sales order report amount need to convert into USD amount.

I get the currency rate from CurrencyRate table.But , this data related to EUR and order date is different from sales order currency rate.

Sales order form is show the correct value.

Can u please help me with this.

you can either use the fields that start with Cury for the same field that doesn’t have Cury (i.e CuryAmount vs Amount) or you can join the SOOrder.CuryInfoID with CurrencyInfo.CuryInfoID and get the required data from there. The CurrencyInfo table has the below data. I just copied a sample row here for your reference.


CompanyID    CuryInfoID    CuryID    CuryRateTypeID    CuryEffDate    CuryMultDiv    CuryRate    BaseCuryID    RecipRate    BaseCalc    tstamp
-100020001    703456    USD    SPOT    2023-01-01 00:00:00    M    1.30000000    CAD    0.76923077    1    0x0000000000098E76
