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On the Lead profile screen (CR301000), I created a custom field to store a string values called UsrDepartment.  I also created the same field on the Contact profile screen (CR302000).  When the user chooses to “Create Contact” from the Lead profile, it correctly creates the contact.  However, the data in the custom field I created doesn’t automatically carry over.  How and where can I add logic to copy the value over from the lead to the contact?

You can use the following code to achieve the same. I have created 2 fields Region and Industry to carry forward from Leads screen to Contact Screen.


namespace PX.Objects.CR

    public class ContactMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ContactMaint>
        #region Event Handlers
        protected void Contact_RowPersisted(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e)
            var row = (Contact)e.Row;
            if (row != null)
                CRContactExistingColumn TargateExt = PXCache<Contact>.GetExtension<CRContactExistingColumn>(row);

                if (row.ContactID != null)

                    CRLead lead = PXSelect<CRLead, Where<CRLead.refContactID, Equal<Required<CRLead.refContactID>>>>.Select(this.Base, row.ContactID);

                    if (lead != null)
                        Contact Source = PXSelect<Contact, Where<Contact.contactID, Equal<Required<Contact.contactID>>>>.Select(this.Base, lead.ContactID);
                        CRContactExistingColumn SourceExt = PXCache<Contact>.GetExtension<CRContactExistingColumn>(Source);
                        TargateExt.Usrregion = SourceExt.Usrregion;
                        TargateExt.Usrindustry = SourceExt.Usrindustry;
