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I have 4 checkboxes and if I select any the others must be deselected. I'm using each one's FieldUpdate property, but it only works with Internal Budget with Vendor # 1, # 2, # 3 and # 4 not working.
I show an example of how I am using the Field Updated event.

InternalBudget FieldUpdated

Vendor_1 FieldUpdated


Enable commit changes property for each field but only works with InternalBudget. Anyone who can help me please?

Hi @eddiedaco 

Below is the sample code for…..If we select one checkbox to deselect the other selected automatically… 


  protected virtual void SOOrder_Checkbox1_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (row != null)
SOOrderExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (rowExt.Checkbox1 == true)
rowExt.Checkbox2 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox3 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox4 = false;

protected virtual void SOOrder_Checkbox2_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (row != null)
SOOrderExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (rowExt.Checkbox2 == true)
rowExt.Checkbox1 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox3 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox4 = false;
protected virtual void SOOrder_Checkbox3_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (row != null)
SOOrderExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (rowExt.Checkbox3 == true)
rowExt.Checkbox1 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox2 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox4 = false;
protected virtual void SOOrder_Checkbox4_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (row != null)
SOOrderExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (rowExt.Checkbox4 == true)
rowExt.Checkbox1 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox2 = false;
rowExt.Checkbox3 = false;

Thanks @Naveen B for the answer. I resolve the problem using the new event declaration.


    protected void _(Events.FieldUpdated<CEBidLeveling, CEBidLeveling.internalBudgetChecked> e)
      var row = (CEBidLeveling)e.Row;
        row.Vendor_1Checked =false;
        row.Vendor_2Checked = false;
        row.Vendor_3Checked = false;
        row.Vendor_4Checked = false;

and set the commit changes property = true.


for some reason my acumatica version doesnt recognize the normal event declaration.
