
Add link to another screen in Acumatica Mobile

  • 15 February 2023
  • 3 replies



Does anyone know how to meke it so thath when I click on a Shipment on the Sales Order Screen, it redirects to the Shipment Screen?


Sales Order Screen


My Shipment to redirect


My Custom Shipment Screen




This is the code fro the Sales Order Screen

add screen SO301000 {
add container "OrderSummary" {
formActionsToExpand = 1
add layout "OrderHeader" {
displayName = "OrderHeader"
layout = "HeaderSimple"
add layout "OrderHeaderNbrRow" {
displayName = "OrderHeaderNbrRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "OrderNbr"
add field "OrderTotal"
add layout "OrderHeaderTaxTotalRow" {
displayName = "OrderHeaderTaxTotalRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Status"
add field "DiscountTotal"
add layout "OrderHeaderTotalRow" {
displayName = "OrderHeaderTotalRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "OrderedQty"
add field "TaxTotal"
add layout "OrderTypeRow" {
displayName = "OrderTypeRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "OrderType" {
selector {
add field "OrderType"
add field "Description"
add field "Currency"
add field "ControlTotal"
add layout "OrderDateRow" {
displayName = "OrderDateRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Date"
add field "RequestedOn"
add field "Customer" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
pickerType = Searchable
add field "Location" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
pickerType = Detached
add field "Contact" {
pickerType = Searchable
selector {
fieldsToShow = 3
add field "Contact"
add field "JobTitle"
add field "Email"
add field "ContactID" {
forceIsVisible = False
add field "DestinationWarehouse"
add field "Description"
add field "NoteText" {
displayName = "Notes"
textType = PlainMultiLine
add group "ShipInfoGroup" {
displayName = "Shipping"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add layout "ShipViaRow" {
displayName = "ShipViaRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#ShipVia"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#Priority"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#ShippingTerms"
add layout "ShipDeliveryOpt1" {
displayName = "ShipDeliveryOpt1"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#ResidentialDelivery"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#SaturdayDelivery"
add layout "ShipDeliveryOpt2" {
displayName = "ShipDeliveryOpt2"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#Insurance"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#UseCustomerSAccount"
add field "AddressesShipToContact#OverrideContact"
add field "AddressesShipToContact#AccountName"
add field "AddressesShipToContact#Attention"
add field "AddressesShipToContact#Phone1" {
special = PhoneCall
add field "AddressesShipToContact#Email" {
special = EmailSend
add layout "OverrideShipAddressRow" {
displayName = "OverrideShipAddressRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#OverrideAddress"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#Validated"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#AddressLine1"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#AddressLine2"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#City"
add layout "ShipStateRow" {
displayName = "ShipStateRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#State" {
weight = 2
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#PostalCode"
add field "AddressesShipToAddress#Country"
add group "PayInfoGroup" {
displayName = "Payment Settings"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add field "FinancialPaymentInformation#PaymentMethod"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformation#CardAccountNbr"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformation#CashAccount"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformation#PaymentRef"
add layout "DetailsTab" {
displayName = "Details"
layout = "DataTab"
add containerLink "Details"
add layout "OrderSettingsTab" {
displayName = "Settings"
layout = "Tab"
add group "FinInfoGroup" {
displayName = "Financial"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#Branch"
add layout "BillTaxZoneRow" {
displayName = "BillTaxZoneRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#OverrideTaxZone"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#CustomerTaxZone"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#EntityUsageType"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#Terms"
add group "BillToInfoGroup" {
displayName = "Bill-To Info"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add field "AddressesBillToContact#OverrideContact"
add field "AddressesBillToContact#AccountName"
add field "AddressesBillToContact#Attention"
add field "AddressesBillToContact#Phone1" {
special = PhoneCall
add field "AddressesBillToContact#Email" {
special = EmailSend
add layout "OverrideBillAddressRow" {
displayName = "OverrideBillAddressRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#OverrideAddress"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#Validated"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#AddressLine1"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#AddressLine2"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#City"
add layout "BillStateRow" {
displayName = "BillStateRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#State" {
weight = 2
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#PostalCode"
add field "AddressesBillToAddress#Country"
add group "OtherGroup" {
displayName = "Other"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add layout "OrderRefNbrRow" {
displayName = "OrderRefNbrRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "CustomerOrderNbr"
add field "ExternalReference"
add field "Project"
add field "CommissionsDefaultSalesperson#DefaultSalesperson" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add layout "ShipSchedRow" {
displayName = "ShipSchedRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#SchedShipment"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#ShipSeparately"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#ShippingRule"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#PreferredWarehouseID"
add layout "ShipCancelRow" {
displayName = "ShipCancelRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#CancelBy"
add field "ShippingOrderShippingSettings#Canceled"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#ShippingZone"
add field "ShippingDeliverySettings#FOBPoint"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#BillSeparately"
add layout "BillInvoiceRow" {
displayName = "BillInvoiceRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#InvoiceNbr"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#InvoiceDate"
add layout "BillDueRow" {
displayName = "BillDueRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#DueDate"
add field "FinancialFinancialInformation#CashDiscountDate"
add layout "BillOrigOrderRow" {
displayName = "BillOrigOrderRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformationOtherInformation#OrigOrderType"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformationOtherInformation#OrigOrderNbr"
add field "FinancialPaymentInformationOwnership#Owner"
add containerLink "Discounts"
add containerLink "Taxes"
add containerLink "Approvals"
add containerLink "Commissions"
add containerLink "Shipments"
add containerLink "Payments"
add recordAction "Cancel" {
behavior = Cancel
add recordAction "Save" {
behavior = Save
add recordAction "PutOnHold" {
behavior = Record
add recordAction "ReleaseFromHold" {
behavior = Record
add recordAction "ReleaseFromCreditHold" {
behavior = Record
add recordAction "Approve" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "Reject" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "CaptureCCPayment" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "AuthorizeCCPayment" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "VoidCCPayment" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "MobileCreatePayment" {
behavior = Void
redirect = True
add recordAction "CancelOrder" {
behavior = Record
syncLongOperation = True
add recordAction "SignReport" {
displayName = "Sign Report"
behavior = SignReport
attachments {
add container "Details" {
fieldsToShow = 3
listActionsToExpand = 1
formActionsToExpand = 2
containerActionsToExpand = 1
add field "Branch"
add group "LineInventoryIdGroup" {
displayName = "LineInventoryIdGroup"
collapsed = True
template = ExpansionPanel
add field "InventoryID" {
listPriority = 100
selectorDisplayFormat = Key
pickerType = Searchable
add field "LineDescription" {
listPriority = 80
add layout "LineSubitemRow" {
displayName = "LineSubitemRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AlternateID"
add field "Subitem"
add layout "LineQuantityRow" {
displayName = "LineQuantityRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Quantity" {
listPriority = 90
add field "UOM" {
pickerType = Attached
add group "LinePriceGroup" {
displayName = "LinePriceGroup"
collapsed = True
template = ExpansionPanel
add layout "LinePriceRow" {
displayName = "LinePriceRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "UnitPrice"
add field "DiscUnitPrice"
add layout "LineFreeItemRow" {
displayName = "LineFreeItemRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FreeItem"
add field "ManualDiscount"
add layout "LineDiscountRow" {
displayName = "LineDiscountRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "DiscountPercent"
add field "DiscountAmount"
add field "DiscountCode" {
pickerType = Searchable
add field "ExtPrice"
add field "Warehouse"
add field "RequestedOn"
add group "LineShipInfoGroup" {
displayName = "Other"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add field "ProjectTask" {
pickerType = Searchable
add field "CostCode" {
selectorDisplayFormat = Key
selector {
add field "CostCodeCD"
add field "Description"
add layout "ShipOnRow" {
displayName = "ShipOnRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShipOn"
add field "ShippingRule"
add layout "LineReqShipQtyRow" {
displayName = "LineReqShipQtyRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "OpenQty"
add field "QtyOnShipments"
add layout "LineThresholdRow" {
displayName = "LineThresholdRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "UndershipThreshold"
add field "OvershipThreshold"
add field "LotSerialNbr"
add field "ExpirationDate"
add field "ReasonCode"
add field "MarkForPO"
add field "POSource"
add layout "LineTermRow" {
displayName = "LineTermRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "TermStartDate"
add field "TermEndDate"
add field "UnbilledAmount"
add field "TaxCategory"
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add selectionAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
add recordAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
after = Close
add recordAction "Insert" {
displayName = "Add Another"
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add recordAction "SOOrderLineSplittingExtensionShowSplits" {
behavior = Void
redirect = True
redirectToContainer = "LineDetails$List"
attachments {
add container "Discounts" {
fieldsToShow = 6
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 2
containerActionsToExpand = 2
add field "SkipDiscount" {
listPriority = 50
listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
add layout "DiscTypeRow" {
displayName = "DiscTypeRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Type" {
listPriority = 100
add field "ManualDiscount" {
listPriority = 40
listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
add layout "DiscCodeRow" {
displayName = "DiscCodeRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "DiscountCode" {
listPriority = 70
pickerType = Searchable
selector {
add field "DiscountID"
add field "Description"
add field "SequenceID" {
listPriority = 60
add layout "DiscBaseRow" {
displayName = "DiscBaseRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "DiscountableAmt"
add field "DiscountableQty"
add layout "DiscAmtRow" {
displayName = "DiscAmtRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "DiscountAmt" {
listPriority = 90
add field "DiscountPercent"
add layout "DiscFreeRow" {
displayName = "DiscFreeRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "FreeItem"
add field "FreeItemQty"
add field "ExternalDiscountCode"
add field "Description"
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add selectionAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
add recordAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
after = Close
add recordAction "Insert" {
displayName = "Add Another"
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
attachments {
add container "Taxes" {
fieldsToShow = 2
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 2
containerActionsToExpand = 2
add layout "TaxIdRow" {
displayName = "TaxIdRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "TaxID" {
listPriority = 90
add field "TaxRate"
add field "TaxType"
add layout "TaxAmountRow" {
displayName = "TaxAmountRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "TaxableAmount"
add field "TaxAmount" {
listPriority = 80
add field "PendingVAT"
add field "ReverseVAT"
add field "IncludeInVATExemptTotal"
add field "StatisticalVAT"
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add selectionAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
add recordAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
after = Close
attachments {
add container "Commissions" {
fieldsToShow = 2
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 2
containerActionsToExpand = 2
add field "SalespersonID" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add field "Commission"
add field "CommissionAmt"
add field "CommissionableAmount"
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add selectionAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
add recordAction "Delete" {
icon = "system://Trash"
behavior = Delete
after = Close
attachments {
add container "Shipments" {
fieldsToShow = 4
add layout "ShipmentNbrRow" {
displayName = "ShipmentNbrRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShipmentType" {
listPriority = 80
add field "DocumentNbr" {
listPriority = 90
add field "Status" {
listPriority = 60
add layout "ShipmentInvoiceRow" {
displayName = "ShipmentInvoiceRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "InvoiceType"
add field "InvoiceNbr"
add layout "ShipmentDateRow" {
displayName = "ShipmentDateRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShipmentDate" {
listPriority = 70
add field "ShippedQty"
add layout "ShipmentWeightRow" {
displayName = "ShipmentWeightRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShippedWeight"
add field "ShippedVolume"
add layout "ShipmentInvNbr" {
displayName = "ShipmentInvNbr"
layout = "Inline"
add field "InventoryDocType"
add field "InventoryRefNbr"
add field "NoteText" {
textType = PlainMultiLine
attachments {
add container "Payments" {
fieldsToShow = 4
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 2
containerActionsToExpand = 1
add layout "PaymentRefRow" {
displayName = "PaymentRefRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "DocType" {
listPriority = 70
add field "ReferenceNbr" {
listPriority = 90
pickerType = Searchable
add layout "PaymentBalanceRow" {
displayName = "PaymentBalanceRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Balance"
add field "Status" {
listPriority = 60
add layout "PaymentAppliedRow" {
displayName = "PaymentAppliedRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AppliedToOrder" {
listPriority = 80
add field "TransferredToInvoice"
add layout "PaymentAmtRow" {
displayName = "PaymentAmtRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "PaymentAmount"
add field "Currency"
add group "PaymentDetailsGroup" {
displayName = "Payment Details"
collapsable = True
collapsed = True
add field "PaymentMethod" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add field "CashAccount" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add field "PaymentRef"
add field "NoteText" {
textType = PlainMultiLine
add containerAction "CaptureCCPayment" {
behavior = Void
syncLongOperation = True
add containerAction "AuthorizeCCPayment" {
behavior = Void
syncLongOperation = True
add containerAction "VoidCCPayment" {
behavior = Void
syncLongOperation = True
add containerAction "MobileCreatePayment" {
behavior = Void
redirect = True
add containerAction "MobileCreatePrepayment" {
behavior = Void
redirect = True
add containerAction "Insert" {
displayName = "Add Existing"
behavior = Create
add selectionAction "Delete" {
displayName = "Remove"
behavior = Delete
add recordAction "ViewPayment" {
displayName = "View Document"
behavior = Void
after = Close
redirect = True
add recordAction "Delete" {
displayName = "Remove"
behavior = Delete
after = Close
attachments {
add container "Approvals" {
fieldsToShow = 5
add field "Reason" {
listPriority = 10
textType = PlainMultiLine
listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
add layout "ApproverRow" {
displayName = "ApproverRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AssignedTo" {
listPriority = 50
add field "Workgroup" {
listPriority = 40
add layout "ApprovalStatusRow" {
displayName = "ApprovalStatusRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Status" {
listPriority = 30
add field "ApprovedBy" {
displayName = "Approved By"
add layout "ApprovalDatesRow" {
displayName = "ApprovalDatesRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "AssignmentDate" {
forceIsDisabled = True
add field "ApprovalDate" {
listPriority = 20
attachments {
add container "LineDetails" {
visible = False
fieldsToShow = 4
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 3
containerActionsToExpand = 2
add field "AllocWarehouse" {
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add layout "AllocQtyRow" {
displayName = "AllocQtyRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "Quantity"
add field "Allocated" {
listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
add field "LotSerialNbr"
add layout "AllocInventoryRow" {
displayName = "AllocInventoryRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "InventoryID" {
forceIsVisible = True
selectorDisplayFormat = KeyDescription
add field "Subitem"
add layout "AllocShipOnRow" {
displayName = "AllocShipOnRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "ShipOn"
add field "Completed"
add layout "AllocShipQtyRow" {
displayName = "AllocShipQtyRow"
layout = "Inline"
add field "QtyOnShipments"
add field "QtyReceived"
add field "UOM"
add field "ExpirationDate"
add field "MarkForPO"
add field "RelatedDocument"
attachments {



I Suposse it should be modified in the Shipment container



Best answer by Dioris Aguilar 16 February 2023, 17:13

View original

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@jorgeperuyero34 Try adding:

special = AllowEdit

inside the DocumentNbr field.

update screen SO301000 {
update container "Shipments"{
update layout "ShipmentNbrRow"{
update field "DocumentNbr"{
special = AllowEdit

This will make a symbol appear next to the field and will redirect to the right screen.

Also make sure to update the mobile site map by adding the Shipments screen as follows:

add item "SO302000" {
displayName = "Shipments"
visible = False


@jorgeperuyero34 Try adding:

special = AllowEdit

inside the DocumentNbr field.

update screen SO301000 {
update container "Shipments"{
update layout "ShipmentNbrRow"{
update field "DocumentNbr"{
special = AllowEdit

This will make a symbol appear next to the field and will redirect to the right screen.

Also make sure to update the mobile site map by adding the Shipments screen as follows:

add item "SO302000" {
displayName = "Shipments"
visible = False



Thanks for the prompt response
but the symbol did not appear


I tried with the E-Mail symbol and it did appear


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@jorgeperuyero34 The initial suggestion would have worked if the Document Nbr. field would have been defined as a standard PXSelector in the aspx file, but it is not, so, additional work must be done.

The Document Nbr. field is defined as a TextEdit control in the aspx file, and considering the AllowEdit works along with selector fields only ( it will not work on this field.

Document Nbr. field could show values for different types of documents (not only shipments), and it has a special attribute to make the hyperlink appear in web and redirect to the proper screen, so, putting a PXSelector tied to a single document (shipments) might affect its base functionality.

In this case, since you are interested in redirecting actual shipments to the Shipments screen, we can use the existing ShipmentNbr field to add the corresponding selector attribute, now, we are sure this field will always show a Shipment Nbr. value, so: 

1- Add a PXSelector to the ShipmentNbr field:




2- Edit the ASPX file to add the following under the Shipments tab:

<px:PXSelector runat="server" ID="edShipmentNbr" DataField="ShipmentNbr"  />


3- Update the Sales Order mobile screen with the following:

update screen SO301000 {
update container "Shipments"{
add field "ShipmentNbr"{
special = AllowEdit
forceIsVisible = True


End result:



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