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I am working on a customization where i need a Multi-Selector on an unbound field.
But i am getting an error on adding the second option:


Here is the definition of the unbound field:


And here the code for the PXCustomSelectorAttibute:



Are there any know issues or am i doing something wrong?

Curious about the ‘-1’ for the string length. Probably not what’s causing the issue, but I searched the source code for that and couldn’t find it anywhere. Best practice would probably be to put in an actual length.

@darylbowman don’t remember where i’ve seen that first. Changing it to a defined value doesn’t change anything indeed.

Changing ValidateValue to false as stated in let me assign more than one option.

But the SubstitutionKey doesn’t get substituted any more with more than one option.

Can anybody confirm that SubstituteKey works on PXCustomSelectorAttribute with PXMultiSelector? Or on PXSelectorAttrribute?

Hi @priekenberg40 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

I did not manage to get this working. I used the SubstitutionKey as Key and mapped/changed the values on saving and loading.
The PXSelectorAttribute needs an update from the devs to get working with SubstituteKey and PXMultiSelector.
