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Project Import Scenario is not working as expected

  • 8 November 2021
  • 5 replies



We have created Import scenario for Project Uploading. 

Once we import the Projects system is showing error massage. 

Attached all the screens. 

Appreciate if any one could share the Project Template and Import scenario file?



Hi @NAthukorala47  I just worked on this project import scenario and it is working as expected for me. Please find the import scenario below.

Let me know if you have any issues





Have there any possibility send the Import scenario file?

Could you try this without template id?

I tried using only mandatory fields such as Project Id, description and Start date. 

I did not use template. I am try to do this using template. 



Hi @NAthukorala47  Here is the import scenario file for your reference.

If you don’t want to pass the Template ID, please pass the required fields it will work for sure.


Dear Naveen, 

Thanks a lot for your support. I have added template and run it. 

It is working as expected. 




Hi @NAthukorala47 Awesome.. Thanks a lot for sharing the update :)  
