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Construction - Earthwork Projects require EJCDC Forms

  • 26 August 2021
  • 2 replies

Can we request that the EJCDC forms get added to the Construction version?  

If not, would you have any guidance on how to build custom report forms for the client that can be used in Project Billing for Units based Projects that we can associate with a Units Billing Rule?

Within Construction some clients perform Earthwork Projects which require EJCDC Forms which can be found here EJCDC®️ Contract Documents | National Society of Professional Engineers (

The Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) is a joint venture of three major organizations of professional engineers. Since 1975, EJCDC has developed and updated fair and objective standard documents that represent the latest and best thinking in contractual relations between all parties involved in engineering design and construction projects. About EJCDC - EJCDC - Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee



Following…. Is there a document on the process for units based billing for construction?


Have you voted for the product idea for unit price billing? See the idea here. Hopefully this gets attention soon.
