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We have been on Acumatica for 2 years now, and we have been struggling with getting Acumatica to properly measure a project.  With our current setup, our cost are not applied to our budget, so we have to dump everything into excel and measure the projects manually.  We have been working with our partner on this and our trying our 3 setup to try to get it working. 

Ideally we would like the task to our project phasing, but the inventory Id seem to constantly be the issue.  When we put stock items to the project they don’t go against the material budget, they create their own line for the sku in the budget. This creates thousands of cost lines in multiple phases that don’t go against the material budget line. this was difficult to manage the project.

We tired making the task the work breakout structure and using the inventory Id for the phase, but we run into the same problem.

We are now testing task and cost code, but again we have the same issue with inventory and the cost breakouts are even worse.

What setup are other construction companies using, as we can’t seem to find a setup that allows the connecting of costs with the budget line properly, especially when it comes to stock items.  We have no clue the quantity of stock items that will be used on a job before it starts, and we never will.

Please help,  I really like the software, but we can’t run project like this, as it is worse than our Conac/Pivot system we had from the 90’s and it will be a big job to change again to something else.


@andrew15 Glad we had a meeting today and I could explain how the project key works with the budget and transactions.  The solution of not using Inventory ID on the budget was the solution for you.
