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We have a system email account created using Azure Modern Authentication and it is working properly.  However, we are trying to add an additional system email account and when we use the already created External Application connection is it returning an error stating that it cannot be found:


Do we need to create a separate External application for each email?

@david41 To answer your question, you should  create External Application for each account. They will have the same Client ID and Client Secret. You can copy-paste records, but the Client Secret needs to be retyped.

You can find the Complete Instruction on following link:

I also refer you to the same question being asked by one of our clients: click link below


Hi @hkabiri , thanks for sharing these details, can you please confirm if those links can be accessible by partners?
I tried and it says “You might not be allowed to view this area. Please contact the Community Team if you require access to this area.”.




Hi @Roderick and @aflemming, the KBs and Ideas are only accessable with the customer and partner roles assigned to your business account. Please contact your business account owner for this level of access. Thank you. 

Hi @Janzen , the KBs and Ideas are only accessible with the customer and partner roles assigned to your business account. Please contact your business account owner for this level of access. Thank you.

Is the link still up ?

I got the same about not being allowed. 




Hi Chris,

Thanks for that. Do you know if there is an Australian equivalent as my company use Acumatica but under it’s Australian title of MYOB Advanced.


Hi @aflemming - I don’t know that they have similar but as a partner, they should be able to access the information.

Cheers Chris. I’ll speak to our consultant and see what’s what.





Hello everyone,
when I open the link comes the following.

You might not be allowed to view this area. Please contact the Community Team if you require access to this area.

can someone help me?
