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I’d like to make a processing screen that will allow me to add items to the grid of items to process.

I’m basically trying to make a grid that you can run processing on that I can add/delete items.  The only filter I have is at the top of the form that is a checkbox that changes the grid from “Show Posted”, “Show Unposted”.  The filter checkbox pulls data from a custom table, so it is a “real filter”  I want to be able to add items to the grid, and THEN process them.  I also want to be able to import items into the grid.

From all the things I can see, processing screens are designed to pull data for the grid that already exists in the system and are not editable.  I’ve tried a plethora of things to try to get the grid on my processing screen editable with no luck.

At this point, I created a Form/Grid screen and put “manual” processing buttons on it to process my grid items, but I want to be able to show the typical processing screen where it shows the Successful, Warnings, Failed etc.  I am at least able to show the long processing dialog that allows you to cancel the operation, but the normal processing screen is preferred.

Anyone know of a way?


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