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Join LandedCost to Purchase Receipt cause Duplicate line item

  • 23 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,

I am working on report Purchase Receipt that will display all items in the grid

and also show the sum of Landed costs with code <> “IMP”


I tried to join table POReceiptLandedCostDetails to POReceipt 

But the report return duplicate row:

Could you please advise me how to get LandCost related Purchase Receipt without causing duplicate data of POReceiptLine?


Please find the report in attachment.




This is happening because there’s a one-to-many relationship between PO Receipts and Landed Cost documents. You may be able to handle this by adding using a subreport that only cares about your landed costs.

Using an additional grouping level (in the Sorting and Grouping) section to ensure each receipt type + receipt nbr + line nbr gets displayed only once might also work, but it could end up being more complex than the subreport technique.


Information on subreports can be found at page 44 of this guide:

Hello @Gabriel Michaud,

I am able to bring needed information of LandedCost to my report by using subreport.

Thank you very much for your help.


