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I would like to create a Generic Inquiry that list Service Orders - not completed up to a specific time <= 7days, <=30 but >7days;  <=60days but > 30 days; <=90days but > 60days ..... and  can be filtered by supervisor. Would eventually like to turn into a dashboard.

@Connor Morse .Please see above screenshots.




@lewisad - Could you please share some screenshots of the relevant dates you are considering?

@Connor Morse .Hello Again. I’m still awaiting feedback from the relevant parties. Something is still troubling me with regards to the dates. I’m investigating the “Actual start date and the Actual closed date/ finished date of a Service order. One person was stating that I may have to get those dates from the Appointments details tab as the created and start date may be different and the date listed on the Service Order screen is a scheduled date. Do you have any insight on where this is concerned?

Thanks again. Will implement and wait on some feedback.

@lewisad - You can use the Total Aggregate Function on the GI to sum the Order total column. You can also use the Filters you created/saved for the GI (as long as they are marked as “Shared”) on the Dashboard when creating a new widget. See Below. 

GI Settings
GI Results
Dashboard Results
Dashboard Widget Settings


Thanks for the response. Is there a way to get a grand total for each category. I would like to turn this into a dashboard and would want to display the “Total Estimated Amount” on the widget for each category. 

@lewisad - Yes, that should work. 

Only note is that if you use Greater/Less than or Equal To @Today-30 on both filters, you will get Orders that fall on the same 30 day mark for both saved filters. You might want to change the date to 31-60, or change it to Less Than (without Equal To) if you don’t want orders to show on both filters. 

Hello @cmorse26 

Thanks for the response. I’ve implemented this but was having some issue with the filer settings as it relates to greater than or less than. I think i have it working at this point. I’ve included this formula to give me an actual number next to the Service Order =DateDiff( 'day', dFSServiceOrder.CreatedDateTime], today() ). Would that be correct in getting an actual number of days opened?


Below is a sample of the filters.


Hi @lewisad - If you are able to take a copy of an existing GI (or create a new GI with the relevant data) and add a condition that only pulls Service Orders that are Open… then you could just add Shared Filters to the report that will contain the Aging buckets based on the Order/Requested on Date. It should end up looking something like what I’ve show below. 

Hope this Helps!

Create the Filter Parameters (@Today-#ofDays may be different depending on <= or < ) and Save the Filter as Shared. Repeat for each individual bucket (starting from All Records)


A Service Orders Aging report would be nice to have.  Can you provide an idea of what your preferred output would look like?
