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Hi community,

I am trying to solve the problem as below. Appreciate any comments and help would be really awesome.

I am trying to print the barcode Code 128 for the following with application identifiers. My barcode still is not scannable for some reason. I have tried multiple things which doesn't seem its liking it.

I am using a symbal scanner which accepts the below input but is not scannable for my vendors


I am using the following settings for my barcodes:

According to GS1 

(400) is customer PO number 

(90) is shipment number



Can I get some help on this one please?



The Way this can be sorted is as follows:

Use code 128 barcode.

Value is ‘(400)’+âSOCUSTREFNUM]+’(90)’+(SHIPNO]

Adjust the bar width till the point it is scannable.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @amitkaryekar!
