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Business event Triggers based on Generic Inquiry, emailing and tracking twice when ((CRCase_noteID)) added

  • 21 July 2022
  • 4 replies

I have created a GI to capture cases closed this week that have an attributes field selected to send a survey. 

The GI is rendering correctly.

I have an email notification with a business event that fires when a record is inserted.  I want to track the email to the case when it is closed, and when I add the ((CRCase_noteID)) to the Link To Entity field, the email activity tracks to the case, but it sends twice. 

If I remove the ((CRCase_noteID)) Link to Entity, it will send the email once, but doesn’t track it as an activity to the case.


4 replies

Userlevel 4


Okay, I just recreated the GI, using the CRCase table and also the Contact table.  I was able to add the fields that I need and it is only sending it once.  It must have been copying a GI with multiple tables causing the issue.  Thank you so much for your help.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Use CRCase table.

Yes It did email to correct contact but the To Email source I used was not the customer contact.

Userlevel 4

@hkabiri I don’t have any grouping.  But I did copy the GI from the existing cases GI that we had.  I think I would also need the contact table so that I can get the email for the contact on the case.  Let me try a to copy a different GI or create one from scratch.  What tables did you have in your GI and did it email the correct contact on the case?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6


I just tested locally same exact scenario but I am only getting one email on Case Activities.

There must be something different on your GI or Business Event trigger condition or settings.

Have you used any grouping on your GI?

Any other table other than CRCase?
