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We have a process where we produce WIP stock items from various raw material stock items via production orders. We then produce packaged finished goods from the WIP items plus a few more components via production orders. 


If an error were to occur, such as an improperly costed raw material found its way into the WIP item, that flows through to our sales orders on finished goods and COGS is incorrect. I have experience other ERPs where this is an issue and this is how it has been handled:


  1. Reverse sales orders to reverse GL entries to Sales/COS etc
  2. Reverse production orders to reverse impact to various produced items, whether WIP or FG
  3. Make corrections to materials
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 1 to arrive at the correct amounts.

Obviously this is important for order/item margin analysis, but am I missing any unique ways of handling this in Acumatica? I could envision an inventory adjustment but that won’t reflect on the order/item level, simply on the GL/financial statement level. 

With in the standard product there are no short cuts to correcting a costing entry which you want to affect the Sales and Production order.

We do have an enhancement on the near term roadmap to make the reversal of Production Batch easier by providing a “Reverse” button on the Production Transaction screens. 

I realize this doesn’t help you now - but wanted to provide some good news to offset the bad.

Perhaps someone here on the community has a nice Customization Package which streamlines the steps you listed.
